
This webpage presents a case study where an autonomous system designer wants to keep the most important components working with an optimal amount of memory. To achieve this goal, he can use the ASOC Admin Interface (screenshot below) to define applicative roles and priorities at runtime for his already deployed components. These roles and priorities can be also specified in the manifest file before the bundle deployement. In this example, the autonomous system designer can specify a rule stating that if the available RAM becomes less than a computed (or inferred) threshold and if there are bundles having the same applicative role, the low priority ones can be stopped to keep the other more important components running in optimal conditions. This rule (presented in the ASOC Rule Editor Screenshot below) can be specified at runtime. After that, this designer can register this rule to the available memory change (using the ASOC user interface below).

This is a video showing ASOC use in the described example above.

This is a link to download the above video (8.44 MB)


ASOC User Interface

ASOC Admin Interface

ASOC Rule Editor