, M. BEN JEMAA, M. Jmaiel, Semantic matching of WS-SecurityPolicy Assertions,
13- K. Fakhfakh, S. Tazi, K. Drira,
T. Chaari, M. Jmaiel, Enhancing Client Intentions Analysis for Service Level Agreements Establishment Assistance,
In First International Conference on Models and Ontology-based Design of Protocols, Architectures and Services, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
14- K. Fakhfakh, T. Chaari, S. Tazi, K. Drira and M. Jmaiel. Wordnet based approach towards a better comprehension between providers and clients. International Conference on Software Engineering. CONSEG 2009. 17-19, December 2009, Chennai, India.
15- K. Fakhfakh, T. Chaari, S. Tazi, K. Drira and M. Jmaiel. A comprehensive ontology-based approach for SLA Obligations monitoring. The Second IEEE International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences. ADVCOMP 2008. September 29 - October 4, Valencia, Spain. (Best paper award)
16- T. Chaari, D. Ejigu, F. Laforest and V.-M. Scuturici, Modeling and Using Context in Adapting Applications to Pervasive Environments. IEEE International. Conference on Pervasive Services, Lyon, France, June 2006
17- T. Chaari, B. Elloumi, F. Laforest A Generic Description Language for the Automatic Generation of Pervasive Medical User Interfaces: The SEFAGI Project. IEEE Health Pervasive Systems Workshop, Lyon, France, June 2006
18- F. Laforest, T. Chaari SEFAGI: Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces - Generating user interfaces for different kinds of terminals. 7th International Conference on Entreprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 24-28 May 2005, Miami, USA
19- T. Chaari, F. Laforest, A. Celentano, Service-Oriented Context-Aware Application Design. First International Workshop on Managing Context Information in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (MCMP), May 9 2005, Ayia Napa, CYPRUS
20- F. Laforest, A. Tchounikine, T. Chaari, H. Charles, F. Calevro, SITRANS : A Web information system for microarray experiments. The Medical Informatics Europe Congress, Geneva, August 2005
21- T. Chaari, F. Laforest, A. Flory. G�n�ration automatique d'interfaces graphiques pour la saisie et la consultation de donn�es : application au domaine m�dical. Int. Conference On Sciences of Electronic, Technology of Information and Telecommunications, (SETIT) Sousse, Tunisia, 15-20 March 2004.
French Conferences papers
22- K. Fakhfakh, T. Chaari, S. Tazi, K. Drira and M. Jmaiel. Mod�lisation et monitoring des contrats de qualit� de services en utilisant les ontologies. 2�mes Journ�es Francophones sur les Ontologies. 1�3 D�cembre 2008, Lyon, France
23- T. Chaari, F. Laforest, A. Flory, Adaptation des applications m�dicales � des contextes multiples. 11 �mes Journ�es Francophones d�Informatique M�dicale 12 et 13 mai 2005 � Lille (JFIM 2005)
24- T. Chaari, F. Laforest, A. Flory, Adaptation des applications au contexte en utilisant les services WEB. Deuxi�mes Journ�es Francophones: Mobilit� et Ubiquit� (UbiMob 2005) du 31 mai au 3 juin 2005, Grenoble, France
25- T. Chaari, F. Laforest, L'�adaptation dans les syst�mes d�information sensibles au contexte d�utilisation: approche et mod�les. Cinqui�mes journ�es scientifiques des jeunes chercheurs en g�nie �lectrique et informatique (GEI 2005), du 25 au 27 Mars 2005, Sousse, Tunisie
Research Projects
- USENET [UseNet Website]
UseNet is a European ITEA project, started in September 2007 for a period of 2 years. VTT (Finland), IKERLAN FAGOR (Spain), Alcatel (Belgium), Thales, BULL and LAAS-CNRS (France) are partners in this project. Its scientific goal is to define pervasive environments to improve the communication and intelligent cooperation between machines and between users. I participated as a postdoctoral fellow in this project by establishing a survey on machine-to-machine technologies and the guidelines of a self-adaptive Machine-to-Machine middleware.
- SECAS [1]
The SECAS project (Simple Environment for Context Aware Systems) focuses on adapting applications to their utilization context (the environment and the preferences of the user, the used device...). Under this project, our goal is to develop a platform that makes applications adaptable to different utilization contexts. This adaptation concerns three components: data, services and presentation. In this area, researchers have focused on capturing the context and on its dissemination to the application. This project focused on the impact on context on applications after its capturing and dissemination. This project was the central theme of my P.H.D. thesis work. A prototype has already been developed for the validation of the architecture and the adaptation strategy that I defined in my PHD thesis work.
- SITRANS [12]
The main objective of the SITRANS project is to provide a software platform for managing microarray experiments driven by researchers in biology. In the scope of this project, I participated in the specifications, design and development of the platform.
- SEFAGI [10]
The SEFAG project (Simple Environment For Adaptable Graphical Interfaces) was the main job of my Research Master's degree in 2003. This project focuses on adapting user interfaces to multi-terminal environments. Its purpose is twofold: (i) allow users to describe their GUIs and automatically generate their corresponding code and (ii) make the code generation adaptable to several kinds of devices. These graphical user interfaces must interact with several remote web services (math, updating a database, uploading images ...). In the scope of this project, I specified, designed and developed a complete platform that allows the automatic generation of JAVA user interfaces that can be used on smart phones Personal Digital Assistants and standard PCs starting from a simple XML description.
- SICOM [13]
SICOM is a research project funded by the Rh�ne-Alpes region that consists in establishing an efficient information system intended to create, exchange and share medical information between practitioners in order to improve patients health care. My contribution in this project was to automatically generate medical GUIs that are adaptable to many types of users (patients, specialists, nurses...) and several types of devices.
- IEEE Professional Member
- ACM Professional Member
Last Update 10/11/2014