Current Position
Doctor in Computer Systems Engineering, National School of Engineering of Sfax-Tunisia
Assistant in Computer Science, Higher Institute of Computer Science and Communication Techniques, Hammam Sousse
IEEE member (Computer Society)
Engineer degree in Computer Science from the National School of Engineers of Sfax-Tunisia, in 2010.
M.S. degree in Computer Science from the National School of Engineers of Sfax-Tunisia, in 2011.
Doctor in Computer Systems Engineering, National School of Engineering of Sfax-Tunisia, in 2017
National School of Engineering of Sfax (ENIS)
Department of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (DGIMA)
Route de Soukra Km 4, PB 1173, Sfax-Tunisie
Email :
Research activities
P.h.D thesis
My main fields of interest are concentrated on context-aware applications.
I am interested in thesis research in defining two analysis procedures ( an analysis procedure for detection and an analysis procedure for prediction)
that assist application designers to conceive easily context aware applications especially in ubiquitous environments.
Master's thesis
An approach for monitoring and analysis of publish/subscribe systems deployed on MANET
Reviewer of the following conferences and journals :
- WICSA-ECSA 2012: Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and 6th European Conference on Software Architecture.
- ICSOC 2012:10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing.
- ISF 2013: Journal of Information Systems Frontiers.
- WETICE 2013: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure.
- ECSA 2013: 7th European Conference on Software Architecture.
- CAL 2013: 7ème édition de la Conférence francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL).
- FGCS 2013: Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems.
- WETICE 2014: 23rd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure.
- ICSOC 2014: 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing.
- JSS 2014: Journal of Systems and Software.
- SERA 2015: 13th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications.
- AICCSA 2016: 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications.
- AICCSA 2017: 15th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications.
- ECSA 2017: Joint 15th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and 6th European Conference on Software Architecture.
- CEE 2017: Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal.
- IJBSR 2017: International Journal of Business and Systems Research.
Organizing Committee Member of:
- METHODICA'I 2014: 11th Workshop on Methods for the Adaptive Distributed Software
- CAL 2015: 9ème Conférence francophone
sur les Architectures Logicielles
- ESBM 2017: Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences
for Biology and Medicine
International Journal Papers
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez: "Threshold-based context analysis approach for ubiquitous systems", In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27(6) : 1378-1390 (2015) (CPE 2015), Wiley, 2015. [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "A context change detection approach for ubiquitous environments", In International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS ) 10(3): 320-340 (2017). [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "A novel analysis approach for the design and the development of context-aware applications", In the Journal of Systems and Software 133: 113-125 (2017). [ BibTeX | DOI ]
International Conferences Papers
- I. Lahyani, N. Khabou, M. Jmaiel: "QoS Monitoring and Analysis approach for publish/subscribe systems deployed on MANET", In Proceedings of The 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Network-Based Computing(PDP 2012): 120-124, Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 2012. [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez: "Towards a novel analysis approach for collaborative ubiquitous systems", In Second Track on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-oriented and component-based Applications and Architectures in 21th IEEE International Conference Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures (WETICE 2012): 30-35, 2012. [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou: "Monitoring/Analysis Module Cookbook", 2nd International Collaborative Tutorial of Multimedia Ontology-driven Learning Collaborative Architecture, (MOLCA’2014)
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, G. Gharbi, M. Jmaiel: "A Threshold Based Context Change Detection in Perasive Environments: Application to a Smart Campus", Procedia Computer Science, vol. 32, no. 0, pp. 461-468, 2014, the 5th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2014), the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2014) [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "Threshold-based context change detection for ubiquitous environments", 3rd International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications, (ICCASA 2014), Dubai, United Arabe Emirates (2014) [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez: "Analysis Process for Context Aware Applications in Pervasive Environments", 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, (SNPD 2015), [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- I. Abdennadher, N. Khabou, I. Bouassida Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "Designing energy efficient Smart Buildings in ubiquitous environments", 15th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2015): 122-127, [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "Designing an Analysis Procedure for Context Aware Applications in Ubiquitous Environments", 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, (AINA 2016), 116-123, [ BibTeX | DOI ]
- N. Khabou, I.Bouassida. Rodriguez, M. Jmaiel: "A Novel Analysis Procedure for Context-aware Applications in Ubiquitous Environments: Application to a Smart Building Case Study", 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017, IEEE [To be published],
National Conferences Papers
- N. Khabou, I. Lahyani, M. Jmaiel: "Une approche de monitoring et d'analyse des systèmes Publier/Souscrire déployés sur MANET. Application: les systèmes de gestion de crise", 1ère Conférence francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs, Sousse, Tunisie, 2012
Educational activities
- 2011 - 2015 : Research Assistant at National School of Engineers of Sfax
- Génie Logiciel Distribué
- Maintenance de logiciels
- Programmation web avancée
- Programmation parallèle et distribuée
- Techniques et Langage d'Internet
- Algorithmique et Structures de données
- Encadrement des projets de Fin d'études
- 2015 - Now : Assistant at Higher Institute of Computer Science and Communication Techniques, Hammam Sousse
- Atelier des systèmes d'exploitation
- Systèmes d'exploitation II
- Programmation orientée objet
- Développement d'applications Web
- Systèmes d'exploitation I
- Algorithmique et Structures de Données II
- Algorithmique et Structures de Données I