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Ghofrane FERSI, PhD.
ReDCAD laboratory   |  ENIS   |  University of Sfax
Research Laboratory on Development and Control of Distributed Applications

Assistant Professor (maître assistante) at National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS)

Researcher at ReDCAD Laboratory (

Head of the software engineering pedagogical core at DGIMA ENIS

Member of the scientific council at ENIS



National School of Engineering of Sfax (ENIS)
Department of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (DGIMA)
Route de Soukra Km 4, PB 1173, Sfax-Tunisie
Email :ghofrane. fersi [at]

Research activities

My research focuses on localization and routing in IoT, Network security and blockchain. I have co-supervised PhD projects and supervised research masters and engineering end of study projects in these fields of research.


Best presentation award at 7th workshop on Methods for the Adaptive Distributed Software (METHODICA-II'2011)


International journals


[J11] Maximilian Weber, Ghofrane Fersi, Faouzi Derbel (2024), " Fog-Based Bootstrapping and Failure Repair Protocols for Wake-Up Receiver (WuRx)-Based Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Access 1290073-90083 ()

[J10] Rahma Trabelsi, Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Jmaiel (2023), ”Access control in Internet of Things: A Survey”, Computers & Security, Elsevier,135, pages 103472, 2023

[J9] Maximilian Weber, Ghofrane Fersi, Robert Fromm, Faouzi Derbel (2022), ” Wake-Up Receiver-Based Routing for Clustered Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sensors, 22, 3254, 2022

[J8] Ghofrane Fersi (2021) ”Fog computing and Internet of Things in one building block: a survey and an overview of interacting technologies”, Cluster Computing 24(4),1-31, 2021

[J7] Amir Guidara, Ghofrane Fersi, Maher Ben Jemaa, Faouzi Derbel (2021), ”A new deep learning-based distance and position estimation model for range-based indoor localization systems”, Ad Hoc Networks Volume 114, 1 April 2021, 102445

[J6] Ghofrane Fersi, Maher Ben Jemaa (2019), ”An analytical study of the main characteristics of Cluster-based Energy-aware Virtual Ring Routing (CLEVER): Number of clusters, number of hops and cluster diameter”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12 (4), 2019

[J5] Amir Guidara, Faouzi Derbel, Ghofrane Fersi, Sadok Bdiri, Maher Ben Jemaa (2019), ”Energy-efficient on-demand indoor localization platform based on wireless sensor networks using low power wake up receiver”, Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 93, October 2019, 101902

[J4] Ghofrane Fersi, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2016), ”CLEVER: Cluster-based Energy-aware Virtual Ring Routing in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks”, Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9 (4) 640-655, July 2016

[J3] Ghofrane Fersi,Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Handling Nodes Mobility and Failure During Bootstrapping in Randomly Deployed Ring-based Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES) 1(1), 28-34.

[J2] Ghofrane Fersi,Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Distributed Hash Table-based routing and data management in Wireless Sensor Networks: a survey. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks journal, 19 (2), 219-236,[doi]

[J1] Ghofrane Fersi, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2010). Energy-aware Virtual Ring Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2(4), 16-29

International conferences

[C21] Ghofrane Fersi, "FOLLOWER: A Fog-Based Peer-To-Peer Routing Protocol for Mobile Internet of Things", 29th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2024), 26-29 June, Paris, France (To appear)

[C20] Fatma Ellouze, Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Jmaiel (2024), "Lightweight WEB3 interface for secure IoMT-Blockchain integration", 2024 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Cyprus

[C19] Rahma Trabelsi, Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Jmaiel (2024), "A Fog and Blockchain-Based Distributed Virtual Private Networks (VPN)", 20th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS 2024), Abou Dhabi (To appear)

[C18] Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Khalil Baazaoui, Raoudha Haddad and Faouzi Derbel (2024), "Machine learning based-RSSI estimation module in OMNET++ for indoor Wireless Sensor Networks", 20-th International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWISE-2024), in conjunction with the 38-th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2024), Japan, 17-19 April 2024 (To appear)

[C17] Ghofrane Fersi, Robert Fromm, Maximilian Weber and Faouzi Derbel (2023), "Wake-Up Receiver Based Routing Protocols in Internet of Things: A Survey", the 20-th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2023), Smart Village, Giza, Egypt, 4-7 December 2023

[C16] Rahma Trabelsi, Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Jmaiel (2023), "Misbehaviour detection systems in IoT environment: A survey", Tunisian-Algerian Joint Conference on Applied Computing (TACC 2023), Sousse, Tunisia, 3-8 November 2023

[C15] Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Amine Ben Hammouda, and Faouzi Derbel (2023), "Chord-based distributed middleware architecture for Internet of Things", The International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2023), Morocco, 19 – 23 June, 2023

[C14] Rahma Trabelsi, Ghofrane Fersi, and Mohamed Jmaiel (2022), "Virtual Private Network Blockchain-based Dynamic Access control solution for inter-organisational large scale IoT networks", The International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRISIS 2022), Sousse, Tunisia, 7-9 December 2022

[C13] Maximilian Weber, Ghofrane Fersi, Faouzi Derbel (2022), "Wake-Up Receiver Based Routing Protocol for Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks", 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2022), Greece, 31 October-4 November 2022

[C12] Mohamed Khalil Baazaoui, Ilef Ketata, Ghofrane Fersi, Ahmed Fakhfakh, Faouzi Derbel (2022), "Implementation of RSSI Module in Omnet++ for Investigation of WSN Simulations based on Real Environmental Conditions", International conference on sensor networks -SENSORNETS 2022) 281-287, 7-8 February 2022

[C11] Ghofrane Fersi (2020), "Study of middleware for Internet of healthcare things and their applications", International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2020), Hammamet, Tunisia

[C10] Fatma Ellouze, Ghofrane Fersi, Mohamed Jmaiel (2020), "Blockchain for Internet of Medical Things: A Technical Review", International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2020), Hammamet, Tunisia

[C9] Amir Guidara, Ghofrane Fersi, Faouzi Derbel (2020), "Lookup Service for Fog-based Indoor Localization Platforms using Chord Protocol", International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020), 345-350, Cyprus

[C8] Amir Guidara, Ghofrane Fersi, Faouzi Derbel, Maher Ben Jemaa (2019), "Impacts of Temperature and Humidity variations on RSSI in indoor Wireless Sensor Networks", 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information \& Engineering Systems (KES 2019), Budabest, Hungary

[C7] Ghofrane Fersi (2015), A distributed and flexible architecture for Internet of Things. The International Conference on Advanced Wireless", Information, and Communication Technologies (AWICT 2015) and published in Procedia Computer Science 73, 2015, 130 – 137, Elsevier

[C6] Ghofrane Fersi (2015), "Middleware for internet of things: A study", International Workshop on Internet of Things - Ideas and Perspectives (IoTIP 2015) in conjunction to International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Brazil

[C5] Ghofrane FERSI, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Energy-Aware Distributed Hash Table based Bootstrapping Protocol for Randomly Deployed Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 28th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (Iscis’2013), Springer, October 29-30, 2013, Paris, France.

[C4] Ghofrane FERSI, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Time Estimation of a Ring-based Bootstrapping Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. LiveCity Workshop on Smart and Pervasive Communications for Enhanced Communities (LiveCity 2013), IEEE, IEEE Communications Society, June 17, 2013. Paris, France.

[C3] Ghofrane FERSI , Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Mobility and fault tolerance management of the bootstrapping in randomly deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. 5th International Conference on Web and Information Technologies (ICWIT2013). May 9-11 Mai, 2013. Hammamet, Tunisia.

[C2] Ghofrane FERSI, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). The optimal transmitting power in randomly deployed heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks for predetermined average node degree 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013), IEEE. July 1-5, 2013. Sardinia, Italy.

[C1] Ghofrane FERSI, Wassef Louati and Maher Ben Jemaa (2013). Consistent and Efficient Bootstrapping Ring-Based Protocol in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. 20th International conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2013), IEEE, IEEE Communications Society, Mai 6-8, 2013, Casablanca, Maroc.


  • Computer networks (Level 1)
  • Computer networks (Level 2)
  • Network quality of service
  • IT security
  • Security of pervasive systems
  • Network security
  • Fog computing and advanced cloud computing
  • .NET development
  • Mobile localization and navigation
  • Industrial computer networks
  • Local industrial computer networks
  • Network quality of service
  • Algorithmic and programming
  • Human Machine Interface
  • Multimedia programming
  • C++ programming
  • Operating systems
  • Dynamic web programming
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